Project Management Posts

  • Project Management in rural Maharashtra: Scope Management

    Usually the different processes “gathering requirements”, “define scope” and “break down wbs” are separate sequential activities which consume dedicated effort and provide different deliverables. The main input apart from the project charter is the list of stakeholders. For us it was essential to squeeze these activities as we ...

  • Project Management in rural Maharashtra: Integration Management

    Out of all the processes which are part of integration management I will discuss here only a subset of two:

    • Develop project charter
    • Develop project management plan

    In March 2018 my wife and myself were invited to support a NGO which runs a ...

  • Project Management in rural Maharashtra: The Start

    As a project manager you should be able to handle different industries with same or similar project methodology. 

    I was able to test this requirement when my wife and Myself spent half a year as management consultants and project managers for a NGO in rural ...

  • Challenges for Indian education in rural places in Maharashtra – a view from outside


    In this article I will use NGO with the meaning of NPO (non-profit organization) as this refers to the regular usage in India.  


    Despite much progress on fighting illiteracy the Indian education system in Maharashtra ...

  • PMI certification

    Passed the PMI recertification on 15th of December. Finally realigned with the benchmark of PM certificates.

    PMI badge cclaim